
The Purpose of Plantchester

To create quality products that do more good than harm.

All our products are developed with their entire life cycle in mind, meaning that when we're designing a product we think about how it is created and how it is disposed. This is different to many businesses as 'waste' is external to the economic system (one of the greatest problems of linear capitalism, look up economic externalities for more information).

To educate consumers on the power of their decisions. 

We believe that good businesses only exist because of good customers, which is why we want people who purchase our products with their hard earned money to get the most value out of that dollar. This is why we want to help educate our customers that they hold power with their purchasing decisions, and to feel empowered by the impact of collectivism. Change will only be achieved by the coordinated belief that we can force action through intentional decision making.

To show the world that hemp is the product of the past here to save our future.

Many people do not know that hemp has been around for much, much longer than the 'hippy movement' of the 1970s, and was in fact has been an integral part of human civilisation. Prior to Ronald Regan's War on Drugs, hemp was used for everything from sails for ships to soap for sanitation. We trust in hemp, and we hope you do too. 

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